As February approaches we find ourselves searching for just the right way to show that someone special in our lives just how much they mean to us. At Fleurenasci, we use the catch phrase, bringing flower essence to life. This morning I found myself reflecting on flower essence. I like to think of flowers as a gift from nature. A gift of beauty and renewal, sometimes growing where nothing else will sprout. Essence is defined as the core nature or most important qualities of a thing. Sure, we preserve those flowers and allow you to enjoy them and the memories they hold but the true value comes from the base gift we are given when they emerge bringing with them the reminder that rebuilding is possible, brightening one person’s day is possible. Whether this is done knowingly or unknowingly is irrelevant. As we enter February and all the commercialism it brings with it I would ask you to stop if only for a moment and think of yourself as your favorite flower. Work toward reflecting the essence of that flower. And let the magic begin!
We all have natural gifts to give…. friendship, a hug, a simple hello, a smile to a stranger, forgiveness to ourselves, love to one feeling unworthy, the list is infinite.
As you choose your gift to give this February please remember this, its value is not reflected on a price tag…