Spring in the Air?
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Despite snow, ice, and freezing rain, they say Spring is in the air … well at least in the pollen count. According to an article at 11Alive.com, the warm weather snap is causing a high pollen count for February. The article stated pollen counts rarely rise above 100 in February, but last Friday we hit a count of 255! Experts blame this on the trees blooming after the temperatures soared when the ice melted.
Dr. Stanley Fineman of the Atlanta Allergy and Asthma Clinic said the ice and snow actually provided perfect conditions for the trees. "They are well hydrated and they've got their water on board, and when trees are well hydrated, they thrive, so they are probably going to release more pollen," he said.
So if spring allergies get you down, grab a box of Kleenex as this could be a long next few weeks for you!
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