As I read the article, 4 Things Death Teaches Us About Life, my mind drifted toward gratitude. It’s been my experience that remembering to be grateful takes patience and practice. Two really cool things I’ve discovered about being grateful is that it’s never too late to begin and should you stumble ... it’s okay, simply start again. And as cliché as it sounds, there honestly is always something to be grateful for in life!
In my business, quite often I find myself gently listening as the celebration of life flowers are being left to my care. Gently listening to the exposed emotions as the memories flow. Memories of happy moments spent together. As I listen, I am reminded to be grateful for each day, grateful for memories past, and grateful for memories yet to be made.
As you are making resolutions for the New Year, I hope you look toward and find peace and gratitude. It’s never too late…